Thursday, April 30, 2009

All Porked Out?

We love the other white meat. Oftentimes more so than we love the original white meat. A while back, we mentioned our eagerness to visit Porchetta, fancy wholesome purveyor of the other white meat.

We had some time on our hands yesterday, so we went for lunch. It was overwhelming, but not in that completely positive, twinkle in our eyes sort of way. More in the, wow, this is just TOO MUCH. It was a little...dare we say it...too much pork for us.

Nonetheless, for what it is, for what it advertises, and for what it is trying to be, it is quite good. We suggest you go and check out Porchetta's oinkers yourself and let us know what you think. Is it too much of a good thing, not enough of a good thing, or just right?

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