what we love: Levar Burton was our waiter, beef was amazing
what we could live without: Sub standard buns, cooked onions too sweet...
burger scale: B/B-
price range: Good Food at Great Food Prices (tm)
payment method: Mercifully they took credit cards.
So we went to this place on the recommendation of the Other Burger Club. The atmosphere was what you would expect from a downtown brasserie. After a round of drinks at the bar, the stragglers of our party arrived, and we were seated by a doppelganger of the host of Reading Rainbow.
We started with a plate of fried seafood yummies and an excellent assortment of veggies. The rest of the menu looks fantastic, but we were there for the burgers. They came in 2 varieties, regular and bison with an assortment of toppings available. The only cheeses available were mild cheddars and blue; they offered sauteed onions as a "near requirement" and standard applewood smoked bacon.
The onions proved to be a disaster. Not only were they cooked with sherry, making them far too sweet, they also savagely destroyed what little structural integrity was left of the delicately carved and buttered onion buns. Utensils were quickly required to salvage these baseball steaks. This coupled with the weak cheese showing seriously compromised what could have been a far better showing.
The meat, however, was first rate. Their beef blend was spectacular and made the rest of the burger faux pas almost forgivable. The bison was surprisingly flavorful and juicy, and is highly recommended.
It is also worth noting that their burgers play a more prominent role on their lunch menu, so perhaps the experience would have been different had we gone for lunch instead of dinner.
Summary: Excellent meat quality, poor buns, and a bit overpriced. Stay away from the cooked onions.